If you think of yourself more of a festival enthusiast than a true camper, the camping side of your festival experience may be slightly off-putting. Festival camping is a great place to start for a camping novice, as the friendly, exciting atmosphere is electric and if things do take a turn for the worst, you are all in it together.
An integral part of any festival, getting the right equipment is key to making your weekend away a memorable one, not one you’d rather forget. Staying clean and dry may be a challenge at times in unforgiving weather conditions, but when it comes to festivals being prepared is key. After all, would you rather be cool and comfortable or a soggy, sweaty down heartened version of your former self?
Here is the essential camping checklist you shouldn’t leave home without, injecting a little luxury into your festival experience making you a very happy camper at any festival.
Top of your list, whatever you do, do not forget your tent! Although the amount of sleep you are getting may be limited it is important to have somewhere to get your head down. If you have purchased a new tent, put it up in your garden before you go so you are familiar with its functionality.
Airbed/ Sleeping Mat
If you don’t want to be lying directly on lumpy ground all night, investing in an airbed will make your sleep a much more comfortable experience, leaving you better rested for a busy day ahead. This should also keep you warmer, much appreciated at any British festival.
Chances are you are going to be making your way back to your tent in the darkness. In a sea of tents it will prove difficult to pick yours out from the crowd- a torch should help greatly in finding your way “home” for the night.
Wellington Boots
Another essential, no festival look is complete without a pair of wellington boots for both style and functionality. Remember that most festivals will be held in a field; thousands of people+ wet conditions= some very muddy conditions. Keep your feet dry and mud free with a good pair of welly boots.
Cookbox/ BBQ
Food at festivals is usually extremely overpriced with never ending queues to contend with. Save some pennies and bring your own Cookbox or disposable BBQ and cook up a storm tent side.
Sleeping Bag
Further aiding a restful night’s sleep, a cosy sleeping bag can make all the difference in making your camping experience feel more homely. If you have been dealing with rain showers all day this will be vital in getting your body temperature back where it should be.
Did we mention festivals can get wet and muddy?! Be prepared with waterproof clothing to keep you and your clothing dry. Even better it can double up as a picnic blanket. You won’t regret it later.
Wet wipes
When there is no shower available, these wipes should freshen you up when you need it. Festival toilets also aren’t known to be the most hygienic of places, so some antibacterial wipes come in handy there too. These wet wipes are immensely popular among kayakers and campers because they allow them to relieve themselves in the wild comfortably.
Snacks (that won’t melt!)
A few packets of crisps or cereal bars are perfect when snack bar queues are getting out of hand. Small enough to fit in your pocket and long lasting these are the basics of a festival diet.
A Sense of Humour
Last but no means least, a good sense of humour and a positive attitude is required to see you through a festival weekend. Dirty toilets, stumbling drunken neighbours and lots of mud are obvious downsides, but staying upbeat should help you see the funny side of it all.
One last thing… don’t forget your tickets!