E-commerce uses the most advanced technologies since those appeared on the market. E-commerce uses those solutions through different channels of sales, such as for example, social media or API interfaces. AI is another technology which was integrated with e-commerce. It may seem that artificial intelligence is only a matter of future, but the truth is that it embraces almost the whole Internet marketing – here and now. You are also using it, by simply doing shopping.
AI is used in e-commerce for more precise and better gathering of consumers’ data. Apart from that, AI uses algorithms and learns shopping behaviours of users – it knows what kind of content they want to see, it is able to predict what kind of content will be best for particular sites or social media.
Positioning depends on several factors ─ and in some cases it is the artificial intelligence that can be helpful. AI helps to analyse engagement of a brand in social media and draws necessary data from the movement on a website. It can also suggest whether topics that you have on your website (blog, categories) are competitive and whether you are an authority in your field. It can also suggest topics you can use on your company’s blog, which you should address in order to be ahead of your competition.
Greater movement in an e-store should translate into greater volume of sale. It happens, however, that clients abandon shopping carts and for whatever reasons they exit a website, not initiating the buying process. AI in e-commerce may cause that shopping will be easier and more pleasant, which in a natural way will translate into a greater number of finalized transactions. AI also helps clients to make purchase decisions, for example, through answering questions on a website (chatbots) at any time during day or night.
AI is learning and developing on its own. This way it is able to predict certain patterns and behaviours of e-customers and to adjust store’s offer in the best possible way. Artificial intelligence only recently has been helping companies by analysing purchase path of clients – it suggest companies when, on a given medium, there is the largest number of clients who will be willing to see and purchase products.
AI is here and now
Those 4 elements enabled to substantially increase sale in online stores. Content is better matched to e-consumers and it is more responsive to their needs, and artificial intelligence itself when combined with other technologies (e.g. voice search) is able to affect better Google visibility. Moreover, use of chatbots in e-commerce is extremely effective, thanks to which AI can answer questions of e-consumers at any time during a day or night. This is a substantial saving of human resources and reduction of costs. Do you want to know the trends in e-commerce? Check the Trends in ecommerce article in which you will find more information about the technology used in e-commerce